Thursday 4 July 2013

Mist, murk and conspiracy theories

Cliffs to the east of Hastings, in the mist

This summer is decidedly strange.  We've had hardly any warm weather to speak of.  Hastings' much-vaunted record as the sunniest place in the UK, achieved against Eastbourne in 2011, has little chance of survival.  It's been made worse by repeated forecasts of sunshine elsewhere in the UK.  Meanwhile we seem to be trapped under overcast skies, with the odd flash of sunlight just to show us what we're missing.

There was a recent day that started in brilliant sunshine only to cloud over later.  We found ourselves in a local shop as the transition was happening.  When we commented on it to the shopkeeper she related how she had seen aircraft high in the sky in the early hours of the morning, spraying some sort of chemicals into the atmosphere.  She had noticed how, later, the weather had become overcast and murky.  It was, apparently, covert action on the part of government to combat climate change.

We displayed polite interest.  When we returned home, through the invading sea-mist, I couldn't resist going to the website she told us about, which is devoted to chemtrail activity.  The Wikipedia coverage doesn't seem to give it much credence, but then a conspiracy theorist would claim that the Wikipedia article is probably written by government agents anyway.  For a taste of the real thing you have to look at the Chemtrail Central site - a sort of Grand Central Station for chemtrail conspiracy theorists. 

The lunchtime news today spoke about France's equivalent to the US government's Prism operations.  In today's Guardian there was a story about bugging in the Ecuadorean embassy.  It's difficult not to be paranoid, these days.  But I find it difficult to believe that our governments would be spending a lot of secret money on chemtrails to combat climate change.  If they are, the present weather in Hastings appears to indicate that they are as incompetent in this area as in many others.

Antony Mair 

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