Thursday 29 November 2012

Hastings poets, the Dordogne and new technology

Renovation target - but not the subject of what follows!!
The Hastings poetry group I belong to meets monthly and we read things we've written on a given theme.  The group isn't particularly highbrow and the members like some light verse thrown in with the heavier stuff.
The theme for this week's meeting is "A Memorable Room".  I had great difficulty with it, but interpreted it widely and remembered vividly certain houses that Paul and I visited in the Dordogne for valuations.  They were ruins that had been lovingly "restored" by their doting British owners - usually without the benefit of any prior experience, knowledge of local requirements or indeed understanding of the native domestic architecture.  It was often difficult to break the news gently to these well-meaning people that they had got it all wrong. 
I am not sufficiently proud of my achievement to set it out on the page - but thought I might try an experiment with it on this occasion by attaching it as an audio file.   This is the first time I've tried this, and when I listened to it it sounded as if I was speaking at the bottom of a bathtub, but if you like the idea, let me know!  Click here to listen - it will bring up a new screen and you then click on the arrow in the top left corner (and switch the sound on on your computer if you haven't already done so!).
Antony Mair


  1. I did not know that I would get so emotional listening to your letter to Jean-Christophe!

  2. Dear Anon - I'm hoping that is a compliment!

    1. oh I see what you mean, it WAS a compliment x
